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ChoCoKat's Part

Cảm cúm !

I have a little bit problem with my nose !!!
Ack, why must be this moment =.= I'm going to travel Diamond Bay on tommorow , ah, I dont want to be like that 20.gif

Today, in my IELTS class, I lost my partner in minigame, and the result was I must gave him a glass of water by myself, so ashamed  :thinking: But now, finally I can remember his name - Duy ( the one who always disagree with me in any topic) , omg, my memory is so bad !!!

How can I do , what I should do ... wondering about my life !
Ms Dark told me, the kind of me always follow my head in stead of follow my heart IN LOVE but go the contrast way IN WORK !!! No logical person , omg !

If it's true, my life would be have lots of funny things and also lots of troubles =.=
I though I'm a sensitive girl , easy to be broken but strong at important circumstance, familiar with this ! So suprised when she said that ! Or, that's the reason why till now , I still finding my love , although some of guys who is very nice asked me but just received the cool face ! Sr ! I hadn't respected them as necessary as their kindness !

By the other face, my mom said, there was two things are the best important thing which the women must had, one is career, and one is honor , is it absolutely enough ? I dont think so >.< I admired all the one who had somebody love them or to love, It must be very beautiful if u was the one of them, right ! We can go anywhere together, do sth stupid and laugh together, and you must be very proud of your love, the eternal pride and immortal faith ... (so romantic =]] )

Forget it , dreamer !
Let's have some rest !
Gud night everyone ^^

bởi: [N][H][A][T] trong May 13 2010, 01:01 AM

essay essay essay !

bởi: knguyen trong May 17 2010, 11:31 AM


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