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Lan hâm

hoalandai_2002: eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
hoalandai_2002: di lam chua vay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chua
hoalandai_2002: sao the
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: van chua nghi o day
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chi chua di lam ma
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cai ha moi vo day ne
hoalandai_2002: the ah
hoalandai_2002: me ve zui dung ko
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: me ve thang nay roi
hoalandai_2002: ma nen wc coi nao
thuhuongdlthtb2003: bua nay lam bieng gui qua ah
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may len lau chua
hoalandai_2002: moi nen ah
hoalandai_2002: ma may chat voi ai ma lam the
hoalandai_2002: nen wc coi
hoalandai_2002: do nay co beo hon ko hay map u zui
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao moi can hom qua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: sut 2ki so voi hoi tet do
hoalandai_2002: the ah
hoalandai_2002: sut di trong nhe nhom nha
hoalandai_2002: ha oc do ko
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ha di dogn nai choi roi
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ca nha di het roi
thuhuongdlthtb2003: co minh tao voi ông thoi
hoalandai_2002: the ah
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
hoalandai_2002: ong nao
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may co gi moi ko?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ông nAi tin tin
hoalandai_2002: ah
hoalandai_2002: ko co ji
hoalandai_2002: van the
hoalandai_2002: may thi sao
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao cung van vay thoi
hoalandai_2002: bcuoi nam cuoi ha
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dau co dau
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chang biet the nao nua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chan
hoalandai_2002: hom no huy hoi tao huong co ban trai chua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: vay ah
hoalandai_2002: ua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may noi sao?
hoalandai_2002: tao noi ko biet
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: met qua lan oi
hoalandai_2002: sao the
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may an com chua?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: met moi
hoalandai_2002: an zui
thuhuongdlthtb2003: di lam suot the nay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chan qua
hoalandai_2002: tao cung the
hoalandai_2002: chan lam
hoalandai_2002: chuyen cua tao va q
hoalandai_2002: noi chung ca nha ko ai chap nhan may ah
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
hoalandai_2002: ko ai dong tinh ca
hoalandai_2002: buon qua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao cung ko dong tinh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dung co buon nha
hoalandai_2002: ?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao thay yeu no ko dc dau
thuhuongdlthtb2003: yeu phaiquan tam
thuhuongdlthtb2003: phai lo lang
thuhuongdlthtb2003: phai lam may vui ve hanh phuc chu
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dang nay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: yeu no ma may kho vay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dung yeu nua
hoalandai_2002: co le it tuoi hon nen the chang
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cai nay k phai it hay nhieu
hoalandai_2002: nhung tao koq uen dc
hoalandai_2002: tao cung thu va co zui
hoalandai_2002: ket qua laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ko dc
hoalandai_2002: bay jo nhieu chuyen xay ra voi tao lam
hoalandai_2002: ap luc chuyen hoc hanh chua dc lai chuyen tinh cam va ja dinh nua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chuyen hoc hanh cua may toi dau roi?
hoalandai_2002: dau tao cu quay cuong het nen
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dinh di hoc cai gi?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: bao gio di?
hoalandai_2002: chau co ji la chac chan
hoalandai_2002: voi tao cai ji cung the sao y
hoalandai_2002: cha co ket cuc ji tot dep ca
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may dung co bi quan
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ma nay dinh hoc cai gi?
hoalandai_2002: hoc y
hoalandai_2002: nhu thuy do
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cug dc day
thuhuongdlthtb2003: vay thi co gang hoc di
hoalandai_2002: nhung chua dc
thuhuongdlthtb2003: sao vay?
hoalandai_2002: chang biet dc
hoalandai_2002: rtao theo ca nha
hoalandai_2002: moi nguoi noi ji tao lam vay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: the co phai thi ko?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: hay la xin ngang
hoalandai_2002: chay ma
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: hoc lau ko?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: hoc cho nhanh con di lay chong nha may
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao them keo roi do
hoalandai_2002: neu hoc thi 2 nam
hoalandai_2002: neu ko di hoc sang nam jo bo song tao laty chong
hoalandai_2002: may ve dc ko
hoalandai_2002: o nha cung chan thoi lay som de lam ba som chu may
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cuoi namthi tao ve dc
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chu giua nam thi chac chiu roi
hoalandai_2002: ko
hoalandai_2002: an tet song khoang thang 3 am ji do
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cuoi ai?
hoalandai_2002: thi conai nua
thuhuongdlthtb2003: quang ha?
hoalandai_2002: sao lai ngacnhien the
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ai cho may cuoi?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: gia dinh ko dong y thi ai cuoi cho may?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ma no co dong y ko?
hoalandai_2002: ca nha noi tao tu quyet dinh sau nay kho hay suong tao tu chui
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ma no co dong y ko?
hoalandai_2002: co ma han cung da noi chuyen tao voi aj dinh zui
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may ve nha no chua?
hoalandai_2002: tao cung sap ve nha han zui
hoalandai_2002: nghi he se ve
thuhuongdlthtb2003: no sinh nam 85 ha?
hoalandai_2002: ko 86
hoalandai_2002: xa nhu the ca nha ko dong y zui
hoalandai_2002: bay jo tao ma noi klem tao 2 tuoi chac ca nha giet tao mat
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may nghi ki di lan ah
hoalandai_2002: ai cung noi tao nghi ky di
hoalandai_2002: nhung tao thi lia khac
hoalandai_2002: den dau zui tinh den do
hoalandai_2002: chu tinh truoc no dau co theo y minh muon dau may
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may dung nghi nhu vay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: bay gio chua co gi may van con co the quay lai
thuhuongdlthtb2003: sau naylay nhau roi
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ko the thay doi dc dau
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao noi that la tao ko ung ho may chuyen nay dau
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dong y la tu minh quyet dinh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: nhung yeu no
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may chang co lay 1 chut gi de dam bam cuoc song may se hp ca
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao ko noi ve vat chat dau
thuhuongdlthtb2003: van de tinh cam cua bon may do
hoalandai_2002: tao hieu
hoalandai_2002: va tao cung hieu cuoc song sv
hoalandai_2002: cuabhan
hoalandai_2002: han conhoc nen tao ko chach ji ve chuyen do
hoalandai_2002: sv ai cung vay thoi ma
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ko phai cuoc song sinh vien ai cung the
thuhuongdlthtb2003: cai quan trong la suy nghi cua no
thuhuongdlthtb2003: no co thuc su lo lang cho may hay ko?
hoalandai_2002: co le tao nhin cuoc doi toan bang mau hong thoi ah
hoalandai_2002: luc nao cung o trong su bao boc cua ja dinh
hoalandai_2002: ne tao thay cuoc song rat tot dep
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: roi may lay no di
thuhuongdlthtb2003: coi cuoc sog se the nao?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may biet cach song cua no. biet tinh no roi
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may hay thu tuong tuong coi se nhu the nao?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: tao ko tin la may lay no may se hp dau
hoalandai_2002: me cun noi tao la minh lam vo hay nhin tat ca nhu the se hanh fuc
hoalandai_2002: tao cung nghi nhu the
thuhuongdlthtb2003: dong y la vay
thuhuongdlthtb2003: nhung cung co gioi han thoi
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ko phai cai gi cugn nhin dc
hoalandai_2002: chi hang noi suy nghi ki di nen do se ko co anh chi em ji dau ma om dau tu chui
hoalandai_2002: tao cung dang suy nghi vechuyen co nen di ve nha han ko
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may nghi ki di
hoalandai_2002: 1 than 1 minh tren dat do
thuhuongdlthtb2003: ve cho hay la ve o do luon?
thuhuongdlthtb2003: mano hoc xong chua?
hoalandai_2002: ve choi thoi
hoalandai_2002: thang 11 nay la song ma
hoalandai_2002: di cung 2 nguoi ban cua han nua ma
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may co dieu kien thi ve choi cho biet
hoalandai_2002: ko biet anh chi co cho di ko nua
hoalandai_2002: ca nha dangchuyi tao la dien
hoalandai_2002: chui o dau ko chui lai chui nen do o
hoalandai_2002: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
thuhuongdlthtb2003: yeu ma
thuhuongdlthtb2003: yêu là mù mAt mà
thuhuongdlthtb2003: quên
thuhuongdlthtb2003: yêu là mú quáng
hoalandai_2002: huong ham
thuhuongdlthtb2003: hâm moi choi voi may
hoalandai_2002: co le the
hoalandai_2002: song thcu te co khi lai khac
hoalandai_2002: tyao ma nen tren do ko biet bao jo moi gap lai may va thuy nho
hoalandai_2002: chac la nau lam
thuhuongdlthtb2003: uh
thuhuongdlthtb2003: chac laulam do
thuhuongdlthtb2003: may nghi ki di nha
hoalandai_2002: ma tao ma lay chong may fai ve do
hoalandai_2002: tao cung noi voi me va nah chi la
hoalandai_2002: neu nam nay con ko dc di hoc
hoalandai_2002: sang nam con se lay chong
hoalandai_2002: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
hoalandai_2002: di dau zui
hoalandai_2002: thoi tao ve day
hoalandai_2002: noi chuyen voi may tao thay thoai m,ai nhieu
hoalandai_2002: cam on nhieu nha
hoalandai_2002: chuc may se tim dc nguoi yeu may nhieu
hoalandai_2002: va hanh fuc nua do
hoalandai_2002: dung ham nhu tao haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hoalandai_2002: bye

bởi: mr.Tung trong Jun 13 2012, 11:46 AM

aaaaaanh em lam quen ti nhe!

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