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Kerochan's Palace

Dòng offline tình cờ

Hôm nay lên mạng, bỗng dưng nhận được offline từ một nhóc. Chỉ là dạng Instant message thôi, nhưng thấy cũng hay hay.

The girl : You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love sun, but you find a shadow spot to hide when the sun shines. You say that you love wind, but you close your window when the wind blows. That's the reason why I am afraid: You say that you love me!!!!

The boy : I open my umbrella to protect you from wetness, I get a shadow spot for you to hide, I close the windows 'cause I am afraid it will blow you away from me. Therefore there is no reason to afraid of my love for you.

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