Tomorrow will come   -  Wind'skiss

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..tomorrow willl come

As time goes by everyday of my life,
How I long for yesterday
Slowly years have gone and come
And I know that you'll wait for me 'til the end
Looking back on days of the past that we had so long ago
I can't hide these feelings all inside,
My love continues to grow

Without you here, everything is unclear
All that's left of me and you
I'll wait endlessly for you and for us
For a love, I'll never let go

All my life I'll wait everyday, everynight for your return
You and I together for all time, our flame forever will burn

Oh so far away, I'm holding on to yesterday
I will wait tomorrow, tomorrow will come again

As time goes by everyday of my life,
How I long for yesterday
Slowly years have gone and come
And I know that you'll wait for me 'til the end
Looking back on days of the past that we had so long ago
I can't hide these feelings all inside,
My love continues to grow

Oh so far away, I'm holding on to yesterday
I will wait tomorrow, tomorrow will come again

Without you here, everything is unclear
All that's left of me and you
I'll wait endlessly for you and for us
For a love I'll never let goburn

All my life I'll wait everyday, everynight for your return
You and I together for all time, our flame forever will burn
You and I together for all time, our flame forever  burn

...-><-.Có đôi mắt dõi theo bạn-<->-....

...có một đôi mắt,dõi theo bạn từng ngày....
...có một đôi tai, lắng nghe từng lời bạn nói...
...có đôi bàn tay, hăm hở làm theo bạn,
...Và có cậu bé đáng yêu, mơ một ngày nào đó sẽ là
ngừoi giống bạn.
Bạn đã là thần tựong của chú bé đáng yêu.
....bé vẫn luôn tin tửong, bạn là ngừoi thông minh nhất,
không một nỗi nghi ngờ,
...bé đặt trọn niềm tin,lắng nghe điều bạn nói,
dõi theo điều bạn làm.
.....Có một cậu bé,với đôi mắt tinh anh,
Tin rằng bạn luôn đúng, và dõi theo bạn từng ngày.
Bạn đang là gưong sáng, qua những gì bạn làm,
....Cậu bé sẽ dõi theo, để lớn lên giống bạn..

Little eyes upon You

....('-')..wo ai ni..(=.=)

user posted image

...có thể đối với thế giới,bạn chỉ là một,nhưng với mình bạn là cả một
thế giới....
               gonna change                    my love for you....

....:::...đó là gì?
đó chỉ là một giây phút, nhưng sao nhớ quá....đó là kỷ niệm bạn bên người yêu,đó là thời gian suốt đời ta nhớ mãi....
user posted image
long_code_here = ';

user posted imageKhi làm một việc tốt, bạn sung sướng hai lần.Một lần khi đang làm việc đó,Một lần là khi nhìn thấy kết quả.

Không phải cuộc sống lúc nào cũng có những việc lớn cần bạn giúp đỡ nhưng lúc nào cũng có việc nhỏ hơn dánh cho bạn

Sau động từ yêu thương thì giúp đỡ là động từ đẹp nhất trên đời

Chínhnhững điều chúng ta cho đi sẽ là những gì chúng ta nhận lạiuser posted image
...Nếu để ý đến những điều bạn có trong cuộc sống,
.................................bạn sẽ nhận đựơc nhiều hơn thế.
...Còn nếu chỉ để ý đếnnhững điều bạn không có trong cuộc sống
..............bạn sẽ thấy mình không bao giờ có đủ.

...Có đường biên giới giữa các nước, nhưng giữa con người thì không..

Yes.........user posted image

....-=-nụ hôn tâm hồn-=-...
User Posted Image
.....Những bông hoa bạn tặng tôi rồi sẽ héo tàn, nhưng trước khi đi , chúng đã để lại cho tôi một nụ hôn của tình yêu thương, và tôi hạnh phúc vì điều đó..bạn thân ạ!Smilie...>>Smilie

User Posted Image

   Trong: T.Anh
hi friends! i hope this topic will help you improve your english.You can post your answers can find the key in " THE KEY " subject in Home page or bellow every test .You can post your topics if you want.

Now, try to do first test:

Test # 1


l. There’s a rumour going round that Pelly’s are going to ............ a bid for Squash International.

2. Please .................. your best to get these typed before 5 o’clock.

3. Who shall I .......................... the cheque out to ?

4. If we don’t get some orders soon, we’ll have to ................... some of our workers redundant.

5. I’m afraid you’ll have to ........................... without the other potocopier until we can get the part we need from the suppliers.

6. We’ve been .......................... business with them for over thirty years now .

7. Considerable porgress has been .......................... and we hope to put soem concrete proposals to our members tomorrow afternoon.

8. The bank has decided to ....................... extra provision against bad debts this year.

9. They’ve been .............................. a roaring trade since they decided to advertise on local television.

10. We have ............................... a considerable profit on the sale of that land .

11. I’ve got all these invoices to ................................. before I can go home.

12. The business was so run down when she took it over that nobody expected her to ............................... such a success of it .

13. Something as simple as changing the size of the lettering on the packet can ............................... all the difference to your sales.

14. Increasing production will ............................ even more demands on machinery which is already breaking down at an alarming rate .

15. They could ............................ with some computer paper in the wages office .

16. We’ve ........................... away with the old system of clocking in .

17. In fact, Gravers have ................................ us a favour (favor) by launching their product first. We can learn from their mistakes.

18. A customer has ......................... a complaint about one of our salespeople.

HAVE FUN ! grin.gif

Answer Test # 1


l. There’s a rumour going round that Pelly’s are going to make a bid for Squash International.

2. Please do your best to get these typed before 5 o’clock.

3. Who shall I make the cheque out to ?

4. If we don’t get some orders soon, we’ll have to make some of our workers redundant.

5. I’m afraid you’ll have to do without the other potocopier until we can get the part we need from the suppliers.

6. We’ve been doing business with them for over thirty years now .

7. Considerable progress has been made and we hope to put some concrete proposals to our members tomorrow afternoon.

8. The bank has decided to make extra provision against bad debts this year.

9. They’ve been doing a roaring trade since they decided to advertise on local television.

10. We have made a considerable profit on the sale of that land .

11. I’ve got all these invoices to do before I can go home.

12. The business was so run down when she took it over that nobody expected her to make such a success of it .

13. Something as simple as changing the size of the lettering on the packet can make all the difference to your sales.

14. Increasing production will make even more demands on machinery which is already breaking down at an alarming rate .

15. They could do with some computer paper in the wages office .

16. We’ve done away with the old system of clocking in .

17. In fact, Gravers have done us a favour (favor) by launching their product first. We can learn from their mistakes.

18. A customer has made a complaint about one of our salespeople.

Test # 2

Hope this will give you all some ideas.

WILL has a neutral meaning. We use it to talk about facts in the future.

ex: I will be twenty next Friday.

We use BE GOING TO for an intention, something we have already decided to do.

ex: Tom is going to sell his car.

Any questions, please post them here. Thank you.


Complete the conversation. Put in "Will "or "be going to" with the verbs given.

Example :
Vicky : Have you got a ticket for the play?
Daniel : Yes, I'm going to see (see) it on Thursday.

Harriet : The alarm's going. It's making an awful noise.
Mike : OK, I' ll switch (switch) it off.

1. Daniel : Did you buy this book?
Matthew : No, Emma did. She............................(read) it on holiday.

2. Laura : Would you like tea or coffee?
Sarah : Oh, I..................................... (have) coffee, please.

3. Trevor : I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight.
Laura : I....................................... (video) it for you, if you like.

4. Rachel : I'm just going out to get a paper.
Emma : What newspaper.................................. (you/ buy)?
.....have fun.. 1.gif


Test # 3

Just another test to make sure that we really understand the use of Will and Be going to.

Good luck !


Complete the news report about the village of Brickfield.
Use Will or Be going to. Sometimes either is possible.

We have learned this week that the local council has plans for Westside Park in Brickfield.
The council is going to sell (sell) the land to a builder, Forbes and Son. The plans are all ready.

1. " ...................................................(we/build) fifty houses, " said Mr. Forbes. "In two years' time everything.

2.........................................................( be) finished. I'm sure people

3. ................................................... (like) the houses. Most of them

4. .....................................................(be) for young families. And we intend to take care of the environment.

5. .........................................................(we/not/cut) down all the trees, only a few of them." But people living near the park are angry. "This is a terrible idea. We're all against it", said mrs. Mary Brent.

6." ......................................................(we/have) a protest march on Saturday.

7. I expect everyone in Brickfield...............................................(be) there. We've reached our decision.

8. .......................................................... (we/stop) this plan.


Answer Test # 3

Will or Be going to : In this particular test, some sentences can be either used with Will or Be going to.

1. we are going to build / we're

2. will be (also possible : is going to be)

3. will like (also possible : are going to like )

4. will be (also possible : are going to be )

5. we aren't going to cut (also possible : we won't cut )

6. we are going to have

7. will be (also possible : is going to be)

8. we are going to stop (also possible :we will stop)

Thank you all. ____________//

this is the test from a friend NSG.Thanks a friend NSG

TEST 4 @:
Fill in the blanks.

1. Situation: Kathy wants to go to the movies but doesn't have any money.

"If" sentence: If Kathy _____ some money, she would go to the movies.

were have
would have

2. Situation: Joe is sleepy and would like to take a nap, but he can't because he's in an important meeting.

"If" sentence: If Joe _____ in an important meeting, he would go home and take a nap.


3. Situation: Chuck isn't stupid, but he failed his midterm exam. Why? -- He didn't study for it.

"If" sentence: If Chuck _____ , he probably wouldn't have failed his midterm exam.

had studied
weren't stupid
might have studied

4. Situation: Jan wanted to go to Jim's party but she wasn't able to because she had to work.

"If" sentence: If Jan _____ to work, she would've gone to Jim's party.

didn't have
hadn't had

5. Situation: I'll try to give your message to Ted, but I'm not sure whether I'll see him or not.

"If" sentence: If I _____ Ted, I'll give him your message.

will see

6. Situation: I want to work outside today, but that won't be possible because it's raining.

"If" sentence: If it _____ raining, I'd work outside today.

hadn't been

7. Situation: Rex had to miss work today. Why? -- His wife and children were all sick with the flu.

"If" sentence: Rex _____ miss work today if his wife and children hadn't all been sick with the flu.

didn't have
wouldn't have had to
hadn't had to

8. Situation: I finished my work, but only because you helped me.

"If" sentence: I _____ my work if you hadn't helped me.

couldn't have finished
wasn't able to finish
hadn't been able to finish

9. Situation: It's possible for you to do this quiz because you have a computer and modem.

"If" sentence: It _____ possible for you to do this quiz if you didn't have a computer and modem.

hadn't been
wouldn't be

10. Situation: It wasn't possible to find this quiz on the WWW in 1994. It didn't exist at that time.

"If" sentence: It _____ to find this quiz on the WWW in 1994.

would've been impossible
wouldn't be possible
had been impossible

Please check the correct answers below.

1. Situation: Kathy wants to go to the movies but doesn't have any money.

"If" sentence: If Kathy __ had___ some money, she would go to the movies.

2. Situation: Joe is sleepy and would like to take a nap, but he can't because he's in an important meeting.

"If" sentence: If Joe _ weren't____ in an important meeting, he would go home and take a nap.

3. Situation: Chuck isn't stupid, but he failed his midterm exam. Why? -- He didn't study for it.

"If" sentence: If Chuck __ had studied___ , he probably wouldn't have failed his midterm exam.

4. Situation: Jan wanted to go to Jim's party but she wasn't able to because she had to work.

"If" sentence: If Jan __ hadn't had___ to work, she would've gone to Jim's party.

5. Situation: I'll try to give your message to Ted, but I'm not sure whether I'll see him or not.

"If" sentence: If I __ see___ Ted, I'll give him your message.

6. Situation: I want to work outside today, but that won't be possible because it's raining.

"If" sentence: If it __weren't ___ raining, I'd work outside today.

7. Situation: Rex had to miss work today. Why? -- His wife and children were all sick with the flu.

"If" sentence: Rex __wouldn't have had to___ miss work today if his wife and children hadn't all been sick with the flu.

8. Situation: I finished my work, but only because you helped me.

"If" sentence: I __couldn't have finished___ my work if you hadn't helped me.

9. Situation: It's possible for you to do this quiz because you have a computer and modem.

"If" sentence: It __ wouldn't be___ possible for you to do this quiz if you didn't have a computer and modem.

10. Situation: It wasn't possible to find this quiz on the WWW in 1994. It didn't exist at that time.

"If" sentence: It __would've been impossible___ to find this quiz on the WWW in 1994.

££££...............$...............$$$$ I LOVE MONEY smile136.gif
TEST 5:[u]

Insert a correct preposition for the following sentences :

1. Dave graduated __________ Pepperdine University.


2. I'm not familiar __________ California.


3. The jar is filled __________ candy.


4. The book is __________ the table.


5. I insist __________ paying.


6. I'm interested __________ buying a new computer.


7. Divers dive __________ the water.


8. __________ my opinion, Dave is a crazy teacher!


9. What are the ingredients __________ this delicious dish?


10. My son Benjamin is named __________ Benjamin Franklin.


Please check the correct answers below.

Prepositions 1

1. Dave graduated ____ from______ Pepperdine University.

2. I'm not familiar _____ with_____ California.

3. The jar is filled ___with_______ candy.

4. The book is ___ on_______ the table.

5. I insist ____on______ paying.

6. I'm interested ____ in______ buying a new computer.

7. Divers dive ___ under_______ the water.

8. ____ In______ my opinion, Dave is a crazy teacher!

9. What are the ingredients ____ of______ this delicious dish?

10. My son Benjamin is named ___ after_______ Benjamin Franklin.


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Bình luận

Dec 20 2006, 07:21 PM
Bình luận #1


ùm, cám ơn bạn đã made 1 web ..như vầy..thanks
Quote Post
Nguyen Gia Khai Liem
Dec 20 2006, 07:24 PM
Bình luận #2


ua, coi cung duoc day, nhung may bai nay de qua, minh nghi phai tu tu nang cao len moi hay, nhu vay qua de,,,,
Quote Post
Nguyễn Thị Thúy Oanh
Dec 20 2006, 07:29 PM
Bình luận #3


QUOTE(Nguyen Gia Khai Liem @ Dec 20 2006, 07:24 PM)
ua, coi cung duoc day, nhung may bai nay de qua, minh nghi phai tu tu nang cao len moi hay, nhu vay qua de,,,,

chảnh gì mà chảnh thế? grumpy.gif chúa ghét con trai chảnh....cái này người ta kiu = lemon question dog.... laugh.gif ......
Quote Post
Phạm Huỳnh Đan Phượng....ĐH XHNV
Dec 20 2006, 07:34 PM
Bình luận #4


QUOTE(Nguyễn Thị Thúy Oanh @ Dec 20 2006, 07:29 PM)
chảnh gì mà chảnh thế? grumpy.gif chúa ghét con trai chảnh....cái này người ta kiu = lemon question dog.... laugh.gif ......

lemon question dog = chảnh chóa 21.gif ha ha ha...chữi đúng lắm... thumb_up.gif .........................TẤY CHAY CON TRAI CHẢNH..nhân tiện cám ơn Khang vì đã cho tụi mình những ......ji ji đó hay quá....
Quote Post
Nguyễn Gia Khải Liêm
Dec 21 2006, 06:41 PM
Bình luận #5


mấy pà này hun dữ quá. mới nói mấy câu là tơm tớp chữi ròi....coi chừng ế nha... ha ha ha
Quote Post
Dec 21 2006, 06:45 PM
Bình luận #6


Quote Post


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Tomorrow will come...
360's blog
BOX  8

My Destiny

Moonlight high above the trees.
Such a peaceful night it is.
By myself I’m sitting here
the memories are clear
of love I never could reveal.

There’s a gentle swaying breeze,
while my eyes are filled with tears.
All the things you couldn’t see
the love that I still feel.
I never thought you’d ever leave.

Silently through all the years,
my heartaches cause you’re not here.
Took for granted you’d be there,
I never showed I cared
and now you’re only in my dreams.
All the time could never heal.
What I’ve lost and what I feel.
You were taken far away
and now it’s just too late
and fate has sealed my destiny.

Thông tin cá nhân

Họ tên: Nguyễn Minh Khang
Nghề nghiệp: oshin
Sinh nhật: : 31 Tháng 3 - 1988
Nơi ở: Bến Tre
Yahoo: dongsongbang1319  
Trạng thái: User is offline (Vắng mặt)
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*cry on my shoulder if you want a share*

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...:::Tik Tik Tak:::...
Hello !hello! hello! how are you? i miss you

Time is all

___==đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ?==___

docophaido co phai la tinh yeu khong nhi...?

đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ?
suốt đêm ngày sao cứ nghĩ về ai..
giờ lên lớp sao cứ toàn liếc ấy..
rồi tan học mãi theo dấu  chân hoài.

đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ ?
lén gởi quà trong ngăn cặp người  ta
món quà nhỏ nào ghi tên người gởi
thằng bạn hỏi?-chỉ là bạn thôi mà.

đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ ?
dân chuyên toán mà bày đặt làm thơ
suốt đêm trắng, xong bài thơ "quên tựa"
sin,cos,tag thành một gã khù khờ...

đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ ?
học xếp "sao"-đòi nhỏ bạn chỉ dùm
trăm lẽ một ngôi sao trong tim nhỏ
trứơc ngày thi bất chợt được hỏi tên...

đó có phải là tình yêu không nhỉ?...

                                          02/1/07.KTX,ĐH Marketing
                                                                  minh khang

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