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lamminh1808's Blog

5 unusual signs in the Vietnam hair

Hair loss, thinning Vietnam hair or dry hair ... can be a sign that your body is in trouble.
Few people know that just looking at the growth of hair can tell if our body is healthy or not. Some unusual signs on your hair may reflect the diet you have consumed during the day, age or weather conditions. Let's find out what the strange signs of hair are tentatively warning what health problems occur in your body right now!
Hair sheds frequently
It seems this is the most obvious sign of the diet you consume during the day, and your body is alerting you to iron deficiency. Since most of the iron is found in meat, if you are on a diet, you should also take a daily multivitamin. In addition, frequent hair loss can also be associated with a rise in the hormone abnormalities caused by polycystic ovary syndrome. So, if you have too much hair loss then you should take the initiative to check your health immediately.
Dry hair
Dry hair fibers, rapid breakdown can be due to environmental conditions, severe weather, sometimes caused by your hair dryer too much. So, it is very necessary to moisturize your Vietnam hair every week, especially in the winter. In addition, if you regularly go swimming or bleaching hair should not be overlooked weekly hair haircut. On the other hand, the condition of dry hair may also be due to hormonal disturbances and hyperthyroidism.
The hair is not long
This is a warning sign that your body is lacking in protein in your daily diet. For the most part, hair is made of protein, so getting a full protein supplement every day is absolutely essential. You can add protein to the body from egg yolks, chicken, seafood ...
Hair fades without even dying
Getting out of the way, forgetting to shield, protecting your Vietnam virgin hair, leaving your hair exposed to the sun in the sun will change the color of your hair and cause hair to dry. At this point, you should consume a variety of foods rich in vitamin E to protect your hair from the bad effects from the sun. At the same time, add more nuts, vegetables and fruits into the diet of the day.

The body of the Vietnam hair appears scaly
Do not confuse this with dandruff, because the scaly formation on the scalp is usually a sign of psoriasis or other autoimmune diseases. If the skin becomes uncontrolled, it accelerates the growth of skin cells. In addition to itching, discomfort, it can also lead to autoimmune diseases such as erythematous lupus, rheumatoid arthritis ...
Tag: 32 inches weave hair

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