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golf drivers


Golf is dimensional. If we dissect any swing, the average speed of the first nanosecond might differ greatly from that of the last one. At any time in the curve, we have the choice to speed strategically to accommodate a purposeful distance and direction. Since the decision-making process is in split second, it requires a sense of familiarity. And there is no other way to attain the art of speed play, but through practice, practice and practice. 
What you are trying to achieve are both speed and grace. Therefore, your body must not be strained. Important parts like knees, shoulders, neck or hips should enjoy a proper stretch routine. Start by waking up your bodily and mental muscles by doing a few trial swings. Consider your shoulder as the center and your arms as the compass, and let physics do its natural arc. 
Practice routine for speed:
The focus will be on speed rather than accuracy. A recommended practice routine would be 5 x 2 x 3 x 4, which means doing five swings for two sets three times per week for a whole month. In a set, the speed of the later swing should always be faster than that of the previous one, making the 5th one the fastest. Remember to take a small break in between two sets. You will surely see the improvement after the speed-up month.
Practice routine for distance: 
To increase the distance, try to hit in a wider orbit and lower path. Getting the right loft is also essential to maximize distance. When we are trying to get both speed and distance, it is logical to use a lower loft driver, as the fast swing is sufficient to keep the ball on a perfect trajectory. Experiment with the launch angle, impact location, and dynamic loft to decide the best combination for you. 
seee morre: https://topgolfgears.com/best-ping-driver-of-all-time.html

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