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CandyTshirt's Blog

Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt

Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy Shirt

I found offensive and I was chaperoning I'd 100% ask them to change or wear a coat. Rebellious is a fine thing to be, but the rebellion has consequences. Most of these YTA votes are clearly teenagers themselves. Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy ShirtYou were doing the girls a favor and found the shirt in poor taste. You were within your rights to request a change of clothes as a condition of taking them, and she was within her rights in deciding against it. Can I just say that even though I do think YTA here, you are handling the comments with grace, and I respect that? I would not escort a child around to a movie wearing something so ridiculously disrespectful and tasteless. All the idiots on this thread might want to consider if the girl was wearing an Anne Frank or Swastika shirt, whether or not they would voluntarily March chapel chaperoning that kid. Future Ladies' Man Current Mama's Boy ShirtI don't think those shirts are in good taste, and they're definitely kind of disrespectful...However, they're high schoolers...there are phases and cliches where this is the trendy thing to do and I won't call the teenager the asshole just because that's where she is in life, she doesn't realize the gravity of it.



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Your line about not wanting other people to see her and think that you're her mom and your ok with it makes it sound a lot like your more concerned with your appearance to others than her learning about how disrespectful those clothes are and how serious of an issue suicide truly is. You aren't the one in high school, you should be worried about teaching children right from wrong, not worried about how they make you look.

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