CandyTshirt's Blog

13 Trang « < 11 12 13

The second picture is from a couple weeks ago. The difference is absolutely amazing. She has been such a blessing to our family. She’s smart, funny, silly, loving, sweet and spoiled rotten. God made teacher assistants so teachers could have heroes too shirt. She even has her own Instagram lol. @dailydosesofdaisymae I am thankful every day that I saw her picture on the rescue Facebook page. I can’t imagine not having her. All of you guys seem so worried about little scratches or scratches on your furniture. Newsflash if you weren't a shitty trainer they wouldn't do either. Get scratch posts and pet stores have a spray that leads them away from scratching on furniture and there are catnip and catnip sprays you can put on their scratch posts. And my cats even when...

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Maria, it isn't mutilation. stop with the hysterics. Some people are reading these comments for the information, not the propaganda. I imagine you feel superior to me, for you have chosen the pious path of feline finger saver. Congratulations. Aunt The Woman The Myth The Bad Influence Shirt. The countless cats living amazing lives not realizing they even had their front claws removed will drown out your tearful screams into the void with their thunderous purrs of non-euthanization. (yea I made that word up) An old friend of mine had to get their cats declawed due to how their claws grew in as a kitten. That cat was fine a couple days later. He finally ran around and play because his claws were no longer causing him pain. Sometimes declawing is...

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You need 100% proof of this otherwise making false statements can seriously hurt the owners and handlers that love their dogs. To answer these questions please. Do I Run? Yes! Out Of Money Patience And Wine ShirtI will answer what I know. I researched and read lots before I rescued. I did not go physically to any track and see this with my own eyes. I read article after article about what went on and saw actual photos and I believe 100% of what I learned. I know they do not live at the tracks. I know surely not all are treated badly but I know enough that if even one facility mistreats these creatures it is one too much. I know that they are raised for the first years of their lives in kennels with newspapers as beds and allowed out to walk and go potty a...

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I never had a greyhound but looked after one for her people from time to time. It was like having a young deer in the house. She was a retired racer and had been a cage that was too small so all the fur of her rear was worn off. Does that sound like she was well looked after? She was just a source of money to her racing owners. I thank God she was rescued because I had the privilege of having her in my home!! vThe fact that she was kept for a year after she stopped racing makes me think her owners cared enough to want her to get a good home. Tell pet shops who sell puppies, and the puppy farmers who breed them, and the scammers on gumtree, that dogs shouldn’t be about money. Racing is now being abolished...have you negatives ever been to those...

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She is so happy. Looking forward to the day greyhound racing gets shut down once and for all like you said. It's not about the money its love. Beautiful story Salty. I tried to be a good girl but then the bonfire was lit and there was beer shirt"I was disgusted by what I witnessed. I saw some horrific injuries and I saw some of the worst aspects of human behavior too," said Dr. Bryant, who was an on-track vet in 2014 and 2015. Our female greyhound was a lot like this. My husband was always straightening her blanket on her bed otherwise she would fuss. She would also demand an egg any time she heard eggs cracking. These dogs are beautiful companions. I had an IT greyhound. The sweetest dog I ever had. He was a rescue dog. He lived till he was 15. Miss...

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Some animals really dislike when you 'change any routine' and they pick up on it...others are just 'carefree' you treat each according to their personalities...some people call it 'spoiled'...I call it 'we don't have them for very long so spoil away. Every tall girl needs a short best friend shirtI think she's wonderfully beautiful. Spoil away. Who gives a fuck what others think. At least she is truly loved & she loves her family. Some losers abandon, starve, torture, kill their pets & some ppl call this video abuse. I had a dog that if something were out of place, she’d bark at it for several minutes, turn around and start walking back to get past it so she didn’t have to look at it. Well, I think she's a cutie pie she looks happy well taken...

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Unless you’re a professional dog trainer and dog behavioral specialist there’s no point in claiming you know what’s best for how an owner should treat a dog unless it’s being treated cruelty and even with that in mind you should probably look up the legal definition of animal cruelty none of which is happening here. Every short girl needs a tall best friend shirtAll I see is somebody who loves her dog and her dog loves them and some people just say it's just a dog to some people their dog give you comfort and love companionship caring and they don't judge you they just want to be with you so you care for them they care for you. My dog suffered from depression when my stepfather and mum moved house. The initial few weeks when living in an empty house...

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13 Trang « < 11 12 13 
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Họ tên: Candy Nguyen
Nghề nghiệp: Tự Do
Sinh nhật: 16 Tháng 5 - 1990
Nơi ở: Hồ Chí Minh
Trạng thái: User is offline (Vắng mặt)
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