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CandyTshirt's Blog

Kaws shirt

I can definitely see that since by the time 3 starts, he’s been going nonstop for like a week or two so it makes sense that he would be exhausted and probably not look his best. Makes sense. Black clothes are easier to mix and match. Plus no hassle. Just pick out a top and bottom and shoes and you're good to go. Kaws shirtI just finished the movie! I was reading that he improvised the air fight thing when he said “I don’t have a problem. What’s your problem, Sasha?” ... 20 seconds later, that scene comes on. I think it's so smart when actors take roles "playing themselves". Makes them so relatable and likable fans always love it. I’ve always sorta liked him. But that movie made me LOVE him. So much comedic gold. Love a man willing to poke fun at himself.
Buy it: Kaws shirt
Buy it: http://checkout.candytshirt.com/White-Guys-Tee-Kaws-shirt-1386525742.html
From: LynShirt

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