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golf drivers

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You can hit savage iron shots using the tips below from Ron Kaspriske, who have just won his first major at the US Open this year.
Kaspriske has been working on the same issues with his full-swing coach for the past four years. He set up open to his target with his feet, minimize clubface rotation back and down, and turn hard with his body well past impact. His chest would face 45 degrees left of his target at the end of the swing. 
There are a few important details to this technique. Kaspriske takes the club back at a steeper angle than he swings down. For those who can't swing fast, taking the club back wide and high creates leverage and more power. Kaspriske shallows the club coming down with a lateral shift of his hips toward the target. He also takes the club back with a bowed left wrist and keeps it bowed almost all the way through impact. The bow will keep the clubface from opening, so you won't have to worry about face rotation and timing. Your shots will be more accurate if you maintain the bow until the moment when you release the club through impact. It will go from closed to slightly open, which helps to produce that fade. see more: Best Golf Drivers In 2018 – Top Picks And Reviews
When you strike the ball, there is a split-second hand action that you need to note. Don't focus on your dominant-hand movement through impact. Turn your body and let it lead the way. The more you rotate, the better off you will be. Swinging down with a bowed left wrist means that your right palm will be facing down. When the club is striking the ball, let the right wrist release as if you were throwing a ball sidearm or skipping a stone. This will open the clubface enough to put a little fade spin on the ball. It will also gather more speed for the hit, just like cracking a whip. 
In short, if you put it all together - doing an open stance, wide-and-high backswing, bowed left wrist, hip bump toward the target, good body rotation and a sidearm release of the right hand through impact, you will get Kaspriske's swing right. It may be too much to handle everything right away. Nonetheless, you can work on any one of these things and will see quality iron shots. As you get better, blend in the other elements. Kaspriske's max with a 7-iron is 215. See how far and straight you can hit one. 

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