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CandyTshirt's Blog

I get us out of trouble shirt

I get us out of trouble shirt

You overstepped your bounds. She’s not your child, and most people weren’t going to read her shirt, especially not while sitting in a dark movie theater. It’s good to tell her how you feel about the shirt, but not your place to tell her if she can wear it. I get us out of trouble shirtI'm not able o come up with any reasonable thought that justifies your action... if it was something insane like a Nazi shirt, then we could have a discussion. NAH OP your POV makes sense and in your situation, if I had recognized the shirt I would have done the same thing. It's kind of brutal the way things turned out though, but what can you do. It doesn't make you a bitch, it just means you care about your appearance. I would have given her a sweater if I had a spare one for her to wear until we got into the theater. If it was your friend I would say you're TA because at that point they're an adult and make their own decisions. I get us out of trouble shirtHas anyone mentioned that it really sounds like you acted in good faith and generally seem like you're doing your best as a human/mom? I'm seeing both sides of the AH aisle ripping you a new one, and just wanted to put out there that it really sounds like you're doing your best as a human/mom. Teens are weird. Keep on keepin' on.



HOME PAGE: Original Shirt



You didn’t really ruin the evening, though... the kid did when she decided she’d rather throw a hissy-fit than put on a different shirt. NTA, that shirt is awful and as the adult in charge, you had every right to ask her to change. You offered options and she decided to take the one that benefitted nobody. Edgy teen or not, there's no reason to glorify suicide. Take your daughter to see the movie with some other friend and treat both of them to extra popcorn for the trouble.

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