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Các bài viết trong October 2019


Hòn Chồng Nha Trang vô cùng may mắn khi được mẹ tạo hóa ban tặng cảnh quan thiên nhiên vô cùng xinh đẹp và lãng mạn. Hòn Chồng Nha Trang Hòn có lẽ là một khung cảnh thiên nhiên ấn tượng, độc đáo mà khách du lịch không thể bỏ qua khi đến Hòn Ngọc Biển Đông. Khi tới đây, khách du lịch sẽ không khỏi trầm trồ trước những sự biến hóa vi diệu đa dạng của tự nhiên. Hãy cùng khám phá nhé!

Sơ lược về Hòn Chồng Nha Trang

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang cách trung tâm thành phố tầm 3km về hướng Đông Bắc. Hòn Chồng là một quần thể khối đá lớn với hình thù thú vị, xếp chồng lên nhau chạy từ bờ cao xuống biển. Một nhóm các hòn đá khác nhỏ hơn, nằm dưới phía chân đồi phía Đông, gọi là Hòn Vợ cùng xinh đẹp không kém. Từ trung tâm thành phố, bạn chạy dọc theo đường bờ biển hướng về Đông Bắc là sẽ đến Hòn Chồng. Con đường Hòn Chồng Nha Trang ngày nay được cải tạo lại nên rất an toàn và thơ mộng, một bên là biển cả mênh mông với những dải cát vàng trải dài, còn một bên là những công trình kiến trúc tấp nập khách qua lại.

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 1

Đến tham quan Hòn Chồng Nha Trang Khánh Hòa, chắc hẳn khách du lịch đều được nghe người dân địa phương ở đây kể về những sự tích bí ẩn gắn liền với vết lõm hình 5 ngón tay kì lạ tại địa danh này. Không chỉ có một câu chuyện để lý giải, mà vết lõm đặc biệt ấy còn được người ta giải thích bằng ba câu chuyện khác nhau. Họ kể rằng từ thời xa xưa, có một ông lão khổng lồ hàng ngày đến vách đá sát biển này để câu cá. Vào một lần thả cần thì có một con cá khổng lồ cắn câu nhưng nó lại không chịu bị bắt mà lại quay mình bơi ra biển khơi, kéo cả cần và ông lão theo. Vì vậy mà ông lão vội vàng bám tay vào mỏm đá trên bờ, từ đó mà hòn đá bị lõm vào bởi bàn tay khổng lồ ấy và lưu lại hình dáng kì lạ cho tới tận bây giờ xem thêm tại đây

Còn có một sự tích khác, câu chuyện thiêng liêng này đầy ý nghĩa về tình vợ chồng và cũng được người dân lưu truyền từ bao đời nay tại mảnh đất này. Từ rất lâu trước đây, bãi biển ở đây chỉ có mỗi một mỏm đá cô đơn lạnh lẽo cùng với vô vàn những đợt sóng dữ dội ngày đêm xô bờ. Vào một ngày giông bão nọ, con thuyền của đôi vợ chồng bị sóng biển nhấn chìm khiến cả hai ngườirơi xuống biển. Người chồng lúc đó vội giữ lấy người vợ và một tay thì bám chặt vào mỏm đá trên bờ. Sự cố gắng ấy của người chồng đã làm cho mỏm đá bị lõm sâu, thế nhưng thật đáng buồn vì đôi vợ chồng đáng thương ấy không thể chiến thắng được biển cả. Câu chuyện sự tích này còn lý giải cho sự xuất hiện của Hòn Vợ nằm cách đó không xa. Có lẽ vì câu chuyện ấy mà hai quần thể đá lớn ấn tượng và kì lạ tại đây mang cái tên Hòn Chồng Hòn Vợ Nha Trang

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 2

Dù giải thích theo câu chuyện nào đi nữa thì những dấu vết để lại cũng cho khách du lịch những ấn tượng khó phai mờ. Tất cả dường như có sự sắp đặt ưu ái của tạo hóa đã đem đến vẻ đẹp hoang sơ, thơ mộng pha lẫn ý nghĩa sâu xa về nguồn gốc của điểm du lịch nổi tiếng này. Những câu chuyện để lý giải về sự kì bí của thiên nhiên nơi đây đều xuất phát từ nếp nghĩ, quan niệm của người dân Việt Nam xưa. Nó vừa chứa đựng nỗi lo sợ của họ bởi sự hung dữ của thiên nhiên và tình cảm đáng quý, đáng trân trọng về tình chồng nghĩa vợ.

Gần như tách biệt với không gian nhộn nhịp của phố phường, Hòn Chồng Nha Trang là một trong những nơi đẹp nhất để tận hưởng sự bình yên của thành phố biển. Đặt chân đến đây, các khách du lịch có thể bước ra giữa vùng nước biển rộng lớn. Tại đó, mở ra trước mắt bạn là một không gian biển lớn mênh mông, xanh ngắt hòa cùng với bầu trời cao bao la khiến không gian dường mở ra vô tận, nhẹ nhàng, thanh bình. Khong chỉ được chiêm ngưỡng không gian đjep tuyệt tuyệt trần ấy, khách du lịch còn được thưởng thức không khí trong lành, tạm quên hết mọi ưu phiền trong cuộc sống.

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang – nơi ngắm cảnh lý tưởng

Khác với sự náo nhiệt, ồn ào ở bãi biển dọc theo đường Trần Phú, Nha Trang, khu vực hòn Chồng khá yên tĩnh. Nơi đây phong cảnh hữu tình với núi và biển nằm sát bên nhau. Bãi biển phía trên hòn Chồng sóng êm ả. Hàng ngày, vào buổi sáng, ngư dân ở đây lại đẩy thúng vào đây gỡ lưới thu về hải sản tươi ngon. Khách du lịch có thể đến đây tự tay gỡ lưới và mua hải sản với mức giá hấp dẫn. Khi thủy triều xuống, ở khu vực hòn Chồng nước cạn, nhiều người gần đó lại ra đây bắt ốc, lấy rong… Nếu muốn, chúng ta cũng có thể tham gia.

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 3

Đến hòn Chồng, bạn có thể ngồi trên mỏm đá buông câu hoặc đi dạo bờ cát hay leo đá ngắm cảnh cực thích luôn. Giữa những tảng đá to lớn, bằng phẳng, chúng ta có thể ngả lưng nghỉ ngơi hay thả dáng chụp vài pô ảnh cũng cực kì thích. Từ trên hòn Chồng nhìn ra xa xa là hòn Yến, quay về bên phải là cảng Cầu Đá, hòn Tre và bờ biển Nha Trang, phía bên kia là núi Cô Tiên. Chắc chắn với những ai yêu thích thiên nhiên thì không thể nào cưỡng lại được. Chọn một khách sạn Hòn Chồng Nha Trang hoặc nhà nghỉ Hòn Chồng Nha Trang và vi vu nơi đây thôi nào!

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 5

Ngoài ra, ở khu du lịch Hòn Chồng Nha Trang còn có Hội quán vịnh Nha Trang với kiến trúc dạng nhà rường Huế được xây dựng ở phía trên rất thích hợp để chúng ta khám phá. Trong này trưng bày, người ta sẽ giới thiệu những hình ảnh và hoạt động của hòn Chồng cũng như cảnh đẹp Nha Trang và câu lạc bộ các vịnh đẹp nhất thế giới. Giá vé Hòn Chồng Nha Trang tương đối rẻ nên bạn hoàn toàn có thể vui chơi thỏa thích nhé!

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 4

Buổi sáng, chúng ta có thể tới quán cà phê Sách hòn Chồng, chọn một chiếc ghế sát biển để nhâm nhi tách cà phê và thưởng thức một cuốn sách yêu thích hoặc ngắm cảnh biển êm đềm, bình yên.

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 6

Buổi tối, hãy đến cà phê công viên hòn Chồng hòa vào không khí yên ả của núi của biển để vừa cùng bạn bè trò chuyện vừa thưởng thức cảnh biển đêm cực thích trong ánh đèn đêm lung linh. Những Nhà hàng Hòn Chồng Nha Trang cũng sẽ đem đến cho bạn nhiều món ăn đjwc sản tuyệt vời như gỏi các mai, hải san tươi sống… cực đã luôn nha.

Hòn Chồng Nha Trang 7

Sau những giây phút thư thả ấy, bạn sẽ thấy thỏa mái, dễ chịu và càng thêm lưu luyến nơi này. Vì vậy, đừng quên note vào Hòn Chồng Nha Trang vào danh sách những điểm đến yêu thích nhé. Đừng quên chọn Nhất Long Travel đồng hàng cùng bạn ngay hôm nay nhé!
Nguồn: http://www.nhatlongtravel.com/tour-du-lich-nha-trang/

Top must-eat food in Hoi An, Vietnam 
Hoi An tourism not only attracts tourists by its peaceful beauty but also by an extremely rich and diverse culinary culture. In this article, we will introduce to you the best hoi an food at http://www.asiamastertours.com/uncategorized/top-must-eat-food-in-hoi-an-vietnam/

Ba Buoi chicken rice

Ba Buoi chicken rice is a name that has been present in Hoi An since the 1950s. For added convenience, the whole family moved to No.22, Phan Chu Trinh. Currently, the rice shop is managed by two children. Thanks to the family’s secret, the restaurant is still crowded every day.
Like many places, the chicken rice here also includes ordinary rice, boiled chicken and accompanying vegetables. Accordingly, the chicken chooses the type of gardening, laying a litter. Thus, the meat is firm, chewy and has a strong taste. Rice cooked rice also use only the old type, for at least one year or more. The raw vegetables were ordered directly from the nearby Tra Que vegetable village for full flavor.

Thanh Cao Lau

Where do you usually go to Hoi An to eat? Riverside by the evening? In the Vietnamese restaurants listed on the travel book? If not decided, you go to a very small restaurant, simple as a popular rice restaurant, located at 26 Thai Phien and has a simple name: Thanh Cao Lau.
Tall buildings here are not much different from other places, but the taste is more special. Bowl high floor full, high fiber floor light yellow, large, eat in chewy, soft, the pieces of meat are cut into large, thick, carefully made, tasty, very mouthful. And the whole class of fragrant fresh vegetables. They blend together and create a simple yet harmonious overall flavor, making you crave forever even after you’ve finished a bowl. The price of this Hoi An food here is 20,000 – 25,000 VND.

White rose restaurant

Dumplings and cauldron are two types of bread with similar ingredients and often eaten on a plate. Coming to Hoi An, if you want to try this special dish, do not forget to visit the White Rose restaurant on Hai Ba Trung Street. Here, you can not only enjoy delicious dumplings and cauldron, but you can also see their elaborate dumpling process firsthand.
The main raw materials for processing these two types of bread are rice, real white rice, whole grain, flexible, fragrant, grown on clean land. Cauldron fillet is made from pounded ground shrimp mixed with some pepper, garlic, onion, lemongrass and esoteric spices. The dumpling filling is made from pork, mushroom, sliced green onions and then fried with esoteric spices. Perhaps this seasoning is also a reason why dumplings and cauldron can only eat delicious in Hoi An.

Madame Khanh Bread

Hoi An bread is also a specialty that anyone who has ever come to this land to remember. And probably speaking of Hoi An bread, everyone thinks of the famous Phuong bread once praised by foreign culinary experts. But do you know, Hoi An bread also has an equally famous address, even more appreciated by foreign tourists? That is Madame Khanh’s shop.
Located on Tran Cao Van Street, a bit far from the old town, Madame Khanh bread is a tiny bakery with a simple, normal bakery. However, if you look a little closer, you will see this cupboard is full of praises from tourists all over the world. The tourists even favor the Madame Khanh bread – The Banhmi Queen (The Bread Queen).

Ba Gia restaurant

Pancakes are a combination of rice paper, wet rice paper and some other ingredients. Wet cake is drunk with green beans and placed between two pieces of baked rice paper. The bartender then lightly beats the cake with the hand so that the two pieces stick together. This must be tricky so that the wet bread sticks to the baked rice paper, helping the two outer layers not to crumble. Once the thickness is reasonable, the cake will be folded in half and then served with a plate of stir-fried mussels.
How to eat this dish properly is dipping with the fish sauce. This is a dipping sauce made from sugar, fried onions, minced pineapples, garlic and green chili peppers. You can go to Ba Gia restaurant in hamlet 1, Cam Nam commune to enjoy this attractive dish.

Banh Beo

Like many places, duckweed here is placed in small cups. The upper part places the flesh of the shrimp with a red-pink color, spotted with black pepper and green spots of green onions. Depending on your taste, you can add fish sauce or chili to increase the deliciousness.
To make Beo cake, people choose delicious rice, duck cake filling is mainly made from local products, which are shrimp, meat … At the shop, the owner arranged many cups of cake on the tray, poured the filling into them. Add grease, chutney, scallion, and serve on the table. Eating duckweed has to use “bamboo knife”, which is a sharp bamboo stick shape. Such cuisine also evokes curiosity for guests and is also the difference cuisine between dirt cake and other Hoi An delicacies made with rice.



Wonton is a Chinese dish but has existed in Hoi An for a long time so it is often considered one of the specialties of Hoi An. This Hoi An food comes in three forms: soup, fried and noodles. These are eaten much in the afternoon for lining up before enjoying the main dishes.
Main ingredients include flour, chicken eggs and shrimp. The batter, after beating with eggs and incubating, is rolled into thin pieces, cut into small cells to make crusts. The filling consists of finely ground marinated shrimp. Wonton is full of fragrant broth with pineapple, tomato and mushrooms. You will be served with a plate of young green vegetables. This is the perfect combination of food. Visitors can find this Hoi An food at Van Loc restaurant, 27 Tran Phu.

Gieng Ba Le restaurant

Tourists who come to Hoi An to visit without tasting banh xeo are a flaw because this is a typical culinary feature of Hoi An people. Hoi An is known for a lot of cakes, especially each dish is eaten in one season to enjoy all the deliciousness of it. Around the last 3 months of the year, when the weather is cold, pancakes shops are crowded, crowded with customers. On rainy days, sitting in a small restaurant, enjoying this hot Hoi An food is very interesting.

Meat skewers of Kazik Park, Tran Phu street

For only 5,000 dong, you can eat a skewers of hot and hot barbecue. Hoi An people enjoy the skewers a little different. The grilled meat on the charcoal grill is still hot wrapped in a thin layer of thin cakes, wet cakes, herbs, star fruit, cucumber and dipping sauce with special processing. The sweetness of the sauce, the sourness of star fruit, the deliciousness of the meat, the spicy of chili, the acrid of raw vegetables … all make up the “can not just eat a single stick” taste of this barbecue. You can find to Suong shop, right on the sidewalk of Kazik Park to enjoy.

So what do you expect more for a great trip? Please contact us – Asia Master Tours for guidance, advice and get the most preferential price when you, your family and friends are going to enjoy Hoi An city.

You can also explore more information about Hue by click herevisit the site or explore here, see some Sapa tours by visit hereclick to see more or click here or see more

Contact Us

Address: 272 Khuong Dinh Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84)24 6293 4678

Email: [email protected]

Hotline: (+84)962 313 698

Website: http://www.asiamastertours.com


Along with the natural beauty created by nature, Hoi An has become one of the great tourist destinations in Vietnam, and it is also a dream holiday paradise for many people. Therefore, to guide you to the most wonderful relaxing spa paradise in Hoi An, this article will suggest you the Top 10 best hoi an spas with asia master tours

1. Coral Spa

Coral Spa hoi an

Coral Spa is the leading name in the field of skin care and relaxation in Hoi An, with many years of operation in the field of Spa Coral has brought credibility for visitors to feel the service here.

With a team of professional staff along with modern equipment Coral Spa to bring customers satisfaction to you and your loved ones, come and also experience offline.

Address: 69 Nguyen Phuc Tan, Hoi An
Contact: (+84) 2353 910 172

2. Gerberas Spa

Gerberas Spa hoian

Gerberas Spa is a famous beauty care center in Hoi An, where you will find the most relaxing and comfortable moments, With many Spa, wellness and beauty services.
Besides, coming to Gerberas Spa, customers will certainly be relieved of fatigue, revitalize health and provide new energy after experiencing the method of professional therapy from the experts at this place. What are you waiting for without coming to us!
Address: 62 Tran Cao Van, Son Phong, Hoi An, Quang Nam
Contact: 0989 16 31 61

3. Spa Calm

Spa Calm hoian

If you are in Hoi An and want to relax after walking, cycling, sightseeing around Hoi An beautiful and especially after enjoying the food in Hoi An has lots of cholesterol and feel tired, please Come to Clam Spa.

Additionally, Clam Spa will bring you not only relaxation not only physically but also mentally, with the most well-trained staff that will give you the best service.

Address: 35 Le Thanh Tong, An My, Hoi An City, Quang Nam
Contact: 0235 3919 000

4. Pandanus Spa Hoi An

Pandanus Spa Hoi An

Located in the Top 10 best spa locations in Hoi An in Hoi An. Pandanus Spa welcomes you warmly with professional services to help you reduce stress and refresh your body and soul.

This small spa is full of great personal services. The owners are very friendly and kind they are very generous and happy to help you with anything.

Address: 21 Phan Dinh Phung, Hoi An
Contact: 84 93 555 27 33

5. White Rose Spa

White Rose Spa hoian

Located in the top 1 of the cheap and quality Hoi An spa locations, White Rose is decorated with plants and lanterns, creating a cozy quiet spa atmosphere.

With perfect customer service and professionally trained students, the high appreciation of White Rose Spa is totally worth it.

Address: 529 Hai Ba Trung, Cam Pho Ward, Hoi An
Contact: 0235 3929 279

6. Spa Siesta

Spa Siesta hoian

Here you can relax, choose treatments, enjoy herbal teas and learn more about spa and service products.

Many of our treatments and therapies include Swedish, hot stone, Himalayan salt rock and herbal massages and a range of facial and facial treatments.

Come to La Siesta Spa and experience the best spa treatments you have ever had.

Address: 132 Hung Vuong, Thanh Ha, Hoi An, Quang Nam
Phone: 0235 3915 915

7. Nirvanan Hoi An Spa

Nirvanan Hoi An Spa

Rated as one of the top Spas in Hoi An Spa service most professional today. Nirvanan Spa, specializing in nail care, hair care, skin care, eyelash extension, hair removal and threading, and other health care therapies

With a full service combining the latest technology, creative excellence and the best spa products to ensure that each experience always exceeds your expectations.

Address: 46 Nguyen Phuc Tan, Minh An Ward, Hoi An
Contact: 0235 6283 888

8. Emotions Spa

Emotions Spa hoian

With 10 years of experience working in the field of Spa Emotion Spa, giving you an exclusive spa experience, the service has been selected and carefully prepared to serve you including massages, body scrubs Dead and wraps, facials and nails plus more

Coming here to experience some of Hoian Spas services, you will deeply engrave the impression that this place gives you

Address: 417b Cua Dai, Hoi An
Contact: (+84) 903 100 225

9. Aaron Spa Hoi An

Aaron Spa Hoi An

More than 20 years of experience in beauty and health care industry, Aaron Spa was founded and run by trained professionals with years of experience and technical knowledge for the makeup industry.

Wishing to bring you an exclusive spa experience, our services have been carefully selected and prepared to include massages, body scrubs, facials and manicures and more.

Spa service at Aaron Spa Center in Hoi An will bring you the best satisfaction.

Address: 09A Pham Hong Thai, Hoi An
Contact: +84 90 306 08 74

10. Maison Spa Hoi An

Maison Spa Hoi An

La Maison offers personalized services and attention, great privacy and is endowed with special facilities in a unique natural and decorated environment.

Maison Spa's service is a great option with incredible baths and massages combining elements of hot stones, pindas and conches, chocolate-based treatments and aromatherapy stimulating all senses.
Maison Spa is one of the good Hoian spas that you can come to experience

Address: 538 Cua Dai, Hoi An
Phone: 0235 3757 666

Life is increasingly bustling and people have to plunge into the machine to keep moving, besides traveling we should also choose to Spa & Massage to regenerate energy and restore beauty. . Hopefully TOP 10 Hoian spas will help you choose a suitable destination.

So what do you expect more for a great trip? Please contact us – Asia Master Tours for guidance, advice and get the most preferential price when you, your family and friends are going to enjoy Hoi An city.

You can also explore more information about Hue by click herevisit here or explore here or see our exciting Sapa by click here and click the sitesee more or visit here.


Contact Us

Address: 272 Khuong Dinh Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84)24 6293 4678

Email: [email protected]

Hotline: (+84)962 313 698

Website: http://www.asiamastertours.com


Coming to Hoi An tourism, you will surely want a holiday to experience and explore all moments of great relaxation. Therefore, it is important to choose a Hoi An beach resort with beautiful views and good service to stay. Let Asia Master Tours point out some beautiful and luxurious beach resorts in Hoi An which are impressed by foreign tourists!

1. Victoria Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa

Price for a room is from $157 (VAT and service charge included)
Located in an open space with clouds, sky and the sea, the special highlight of the resort is the architectural style. That is the combination of three countries: Japan, France and Vietnam. At the entrance to the resort, you will step up the nostalgic steps and go through the curved gate with bright red tile roofs. It feels like stepping through the gate of time to enter an old landscape.

Victoria Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa

Located right near Cua Dai Beach, just a 15-minute walk to the beach, Victoria Hoi An Beach Resort & Spa has 109 rooms. All were built with luxurious architecture, full facilities and attentive services. This is truly an unique and interesting destination for you to experience it.

2. The Palm Garden Beach Hoi An

Price for a room is from $154 (including VAT and service charge)
This is one of the nearest beach resorts in Hoi An. You only need less than 3 minutes to go to Cua Dai Beach. Not only near the sea but from here, a travel service can take you 5 minutes away to the ancient town Hoi An or to Danang International Airport within 30 minutes. With an ideal location, the resort is built on a 5ha tropical garden, pristine by the lush green of more than 400 different species of palm trees. Besides, there is a rich vegetation stretching over 220 meters on famous Cua Dai beach.

The Palm Garden Beach Hoi An

The Palm Garden Beach Hoi An has 212 rooms, divided into Superior styles, Deluxe and Bungalow Beach Front. The interior of the room is made of classical wood, bringing comfort, relaxation. All rooms are full amenities and meet the standards of a luxury resort. If you stay in a room with a view of the sea, how wonderful it is. It’s airy and romantic.

The Palm Garden Beach Hoi An

In addition, when staying here, you will enjoy all services such as spa, body care massage, 45m outdoor pool, free wifi coverage throughout the resort. You can enjoy delicious cat dishes from experienced chefs at Colibri Beach Front Restaurant serving European dishes or visit Terrace Café to eat Vietnamese specialties or get delicious drinks at the Contino Club Bar.

3. Sunrise Premium Resort Hoi An

Price for a room is from $176 (VAT and service charge included)
Also among the beautiful beach resorts in Hoi An, Sunrise Premium Resort Hoi An with 222 rooms and villas with views overlooking the open and fresh sea. This is an extremely beautiful destination for family and friend. Because it has not only luxurious and classic designs from rooms, villas but also enthusiastic and professional caring services. You will experience the resort space with clean green outdoor swimming pools, relaxing spa, wifi throughout the resort.

Sunrise Premium Resort Hoi An

If you are afraid to go down to the dining area, you can call the staff to take it to your room to enjoy. Or if you stay at the villa, you can organize a barbecue and play on the beach as much as you want without fear of being banned.

4. Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An

Price for a room is only $115 (including VAT and service charge)
If you are wondering where to stay when coming to Hoi An, just come to Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An and not to worry about everything. With 212 tastefully designed rooms but no less luxurious, the resort is one of the most luxurious 5-star beach resorts in Hoi An in the old town.

Golden Sand Resort & Spa Hoi An

The building materials are taken from nature such as wood, granite bringing a warm and airy space. It has a large outdoor swimming pool for both adults and children with views overlooking the blue sea. Besides, there are palm-leaf sheds that creates a natural feel or hammocks connected by tall coconut trees. Just lying down and enjoying the calm sea, sipping a cocktail is so wonderful.

Professional service staff will quickly solve your problems with other cares and luxury services are available at the resort. If you intend to come here for a vacation, you should book early because the resort rarely has vacant rooms if not booked in advance. From here, if you want to go to the sea or see the old town and My Son sanctuary, it is very close and move quickly.

5. Almanity Hoi An Wellness Resort

Price for a room is only from $153 (including VAT and service charge)
This is the latest luxury and classic Hoi An beach resort, with many types of rooms with different prices to suit the conditions of customers. The room is designed from elegant wood materials, with full amenities such as flat-screen TV, air conditioner, etc. Bathrooms are also fully equipped with shower, shampoo, hair dryer, clean toiletries for visitors to use.

Almanity Hoi An Wellness Resort
In addition to swimming or bathing in a large and open outdoor swimming pool, you will be able to choose one of three special spa care services. You can join a fitness center, bike hire and tram to move around or enjoy delicious food from a BBQ restaurant. In addition, you can enjoy the cuisine of many countries at Four Plates restaurant.

The resort is only 3km from An Bang beach, Hoi An ancient town and 1km to central market, about 22km from Danang International Airport. Therefore, it is very convenient for you to visit these famous places from here.

6. Vinpearl Hoi An Resort & Villas

Price for a room is from $233 (VAT and service charge included)
Among the 5-star beach resorts in Hoi An, with an open space to mingle with nature but still seem to be extremely luxurious. It has fully furnished rooms or desirable villas with views overlooking the sea. It is really an ideal place for your trip. The Cham Restaurant is decorated in a combination of elegant and luxurious Asian – European style with delicious dishes from famous chefs. Or you can also visit Faifo restaurant to enjoy bold dishes with Vietnamese and Southeast Asian styles. And yet the combination of the bar and the pool at the Poolside Bar gives you time to cool off. And enjoy delicious drinks from professional bartenders.

Vinpearl Hoi An Resort & Villas

If you visit the cheap Hoi An resorts, although the price is a bit cheaper but of course you will not be in luxurious rooms fully equipped. Customer service will not be dedicated, attentive and professional. So let enjoy a wonderful holiday at Vinpearl Hoi An Resort & Villas.

7. Hoi An Beach Resort

Price for a room is from $109 (including VAT and service charge)

This is the resort with the most beautiful terrain in the Central Region, between the peaceful De Vong River and the vast Cua Dai Beach. It is a location that can be said not only rare in Vietnam but also rare in the world too. Including many rows of fully furnished interiors and villas spread out by the river and the sea, the view is extremely beautiful. It has an enthusiastic and classy care service such as bar, swimming pool, restaurant, beach bathing, airy gardens. Besides, it is great to quickly move to the famous sights of the Hoi An ancient town. You also have free buses and cabs to take you to and from the center. So you can enjoy them enthusiastically.

Hoi An Beach Resort

Being immersed with nature, this is truly a beautiful Hoi An beach resort that you must definitely visit if you do not want to waste your life.

8. Allegro Hoi An – Little Luxury Hotel & Spa

Price for a room is from $141 (VAT and service charge included)

The resort is right in the heart of Hoi An city, just 400m from Japanese Covered Bridge and Assembly Hall of Guangdong. It is 700m from the night market and 700m from Hoi An Folklore Museum. This is a resort that meets the needs of travelers who want to stay close to the center and still have a great vacation. Luxuriously designed rooms with full facilities, spa services, sauna, fitness center and 24-hour front desk. All ensure that you have time to enjoy the best in the middle of the bustling Hoi An ancient town.

Allegro Hoi An - Little Luxury Hotel & Spa

When coming to Hoi An, visiting many famous places, world cultural heritages or beautiful blue beaches makes your trip more perfect. The Hoi An beach resorts will give you a great space to relax with relatives and friends. That helps you get more energy after that new experience trip.


So what do you expect more for a great trip? Please contact us – Asia Master Tours for guidance, advice and get the most preferential price when you, your family and friends are going to enjoy Hoi An city.

You can also explore more information about Hue such as Hue Vietnam resortsHue Vietnam beaches and Hue Vietnam weather or see our exciting Sapa tours such as Sapa Motorbike ToursSapa Package Toursand Sapa Trekking Tours.


Contact Us

Address: 272 Khuong Dinh Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84)24 6293 4678

Email: [email protected]

Hotline: (+84)962 313 698

Website: http://www.asiamastertours.com


Probably everyone knows the famous Hoi An old town but hurriedly forgets equally charming beaches, especially in the summer days. Cua Dai beach is lined with coconut trees, soaring to tranquil An Bang beach. To make your trip to Hoi An even more perfect, take a look some most beautiful beaches in Hoi An besides Cua Dai Beach and An Bang Beach.

The best time to visit Hoi An beach

The peak tourist season in Hoi An falls between March and September, when the weather is pleasant, with lots of sunshine and the calm sea. During the summer months of June and July, the daily temperature may rise above 30°C. The rainy season begins in October and November, bringing bad weather and flooding.

An Bang Beach

The most beautiful Hoi An beach is An Bang. CNN has ranked this beach in the list of Top 100 most visited beaches in the world, so do not miss the opportunity to come here to admire this beauty.

An Bang Beach

An Bang is not as crowded as Cua Dai with only a few resorts, restaurants and bars on the beach beside the charming scenery. Here, the most popular recreational activities are swimming and boating. Due to the lack of sea breezes, you cannot surf and parasailing here. Or you can rent a canoe or water motorbike to travel on the sea, conquer the waves of An Bang, surely this will be a memorable experience.

Most restaurants on the beach rent sun loungers from VND 15,000 to VND 40,000. It depends on where you live and whether or not you have an umbrella, which is free if you are there.

Coming to the restaurant is the best bombardment to enjoy a variety of fresh fish and Vietnamese BBQ to the authentic Italian and French dishes. La Plage, Soul Kitchen and White Soul are open until late at night. They always host parties, fun gold ledges, cocktails, cold beers and cozy music to dance and immerse in the romantic atmosphere. It desires to be one of beautiful beaches in Hoi An.

An Bang Beach

How to go to An Bang beach

An Bang Beach is about 7 km from Hoi An Ancient Town. You should come here by bike or motorbike to be able to admire the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. You have to park at the beach entrance which costs 10,000 VND for the whole day. The fastest is to choose a taxi only five minutes, the price is about 80,000 VND.

Cua Dai Beach

Cua Dai Beach
Cua Dai Beach is 5 km from Hoi An, closer to An Bang. It is one of beautiful beaches in Hoi An with white sand stretching along with coconut trees. But unfortunately it  has been affected by severe erosion since 2004. The situation has been visible in recent years. Therefore, Cua Dai Beach has less tourists, in return, the sea is also very long. so you can freely choose a private beach space for yourself.

When choosing Cua Dai Beach as your vacation destination, you can choose a high-class beachfront resort with super nice view to fully enjoy your vacation. Without a lot of budget, nearby budget hotel is also very good. Cua Dai central beach has many delicious seafood restaurants, they let tourists rent benches to relax and eat.

Cua Dai Beach

It will be more wonderful when you go to the beach at dawn to witness the image of the best fishing boats out to sea and catch the freshest seafood to the restaurant.

How to go to Cua Dai beach

It’s very easy to get to Cua Dai beach by bike and from Hoi An. You can also ride a motorbike or taxi.

Other beaches in Hoi An

Not only are Cua Dai and An Bang beaches only, Hoi An has a few beaches and remote islands that are worth a visit.

Cu Lao Cham Island: It would be a mistake not to mention Cham island in Hoi An. You can explore the island during the day from Hoi An or stay overnight on the island. The island has beautiful beaches, with fine white sand, clear water and palm trees. Actually, Cu Lao Cham Island has many more beautiful beaches in the center of Hoi An. This is also one of the most ideal diving spots in Vietnam

Cu Lao Cham Island


Da Nang: The beaches of Danang are equally attractive that will cause you to collapse at first sight only about 20 km from Hoi An. You can go by motorbike, bus or taxi.

Da Nang


Tam Thanh Village: You can travel during the day by motorbike to Tam Thanh Village. This village is known for its thousands of virtual living angles from colorful 3D paintings on the wall. The trip will be more perfect when you combine to visit the beautiful deserted beaches surrounding the village. Both in the north and south, some pristine beaches and a little-known Tam Hai island in the south, and must be moved by ferry at the mouth of the Ky Ha River.

Tam Thanh Village


So what do you expect more for a great trip? Please contact us – Asia Master Tours for guidance, advice and get the most preferential price when you, your family and friends are going to enjoy Hoi An city.

You can also explore more information about Hue such as Hue Vietnam resortsHue Vietnam beaches and Hue Vietnam weather or see our exciting Sapa tours such as Sapa Motorbike ToursSapa Package Toursand Sapa Trekking Tours.


Contact Us

Address: 272 Khuong Dinh Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Phone: (+84)24 6293 4678

Email: [email protected]

Hotline: (+84)962 313 698

Website: http://www.asiamastertours.com


During the trip, travelers should bring personal belongings, medicine and identification. Forgetting to bring the necessary items when traveling will cause you a lot of annoyance. The following are the groups of items that you should prepare when traveling.


These are things you cannot forget when traveling. If traveling abroad, you need to bring your passport, identity card, bank card. At the same time, you should keep your airline tickets, immigration declarations in case of losing your passport. These documents can help you complete the procedure for a temporary passport or travel document quickly.

If traveling in the country, you only need to bring a driver’s license, identity card and bank card. For convenience, you can store these documents in a separate wallet.

Electronice device

Cell phones, cameras and laptops should not be missing in your luggage. However, do not forget to bring devices such as power banks, power adapters, battery chargers for cameras, phones and laptops. In addition, a waterproof bag is an item to carry around to protect these items.

Preventive medicine

The medications you should take with you are anti-motion sickness, allergy, digestive, cold, sore throat, insect repellent, wind oil. Note, when traveling abroad, especially in developed countries, you must bring the medicine in the form. If you take medication for treatment, you should bring your doctor’s prescription.

Bag of personal belongings

In your personal bag, you should have a toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, shower gel, cosmetics … Carrying a personal bag will help you better hygiene and body care when your hotels do not provide such items.

Suitcase or backpack

For each different trip, you can choose the type and size of containers accordingly. If it is a short-term and domestic tour, backpack will be an option because of its convenience and compactness. For professionals who travel long distances and travel abroad, you should bring a hard, locked suitcase to organize your furniture and accessories neatly and securely.

The essentials when flying

If you have to fly on long trips, you need to wear a neck pillow, blindfold and headphones to sleep and rest easily. After you have prepared the necessary equipment, remember to schedule and book your flight early to get a good price. If you go on a tour, do not forget to go to the union before going, as well as look up the goods to be brought when entering the host country.

If you are planning to visit Vietnam, please see some exciting best Sapa tours such as Sapa Fansipan tourSapa package toursand Sapa vietnam motorbike tour or Sapa tours


Carefully researching destination information, consulting your doctor about health and not carrying much luggage are advised when traveling. Chronic illnesses like cancer, heart disease are a hindrance to your travel. However, the following 7 tips will help you throughout the trip.

Learn information

Information plays the most important role in the trip. Therefore, you should find out all the information from your health status, destination and flight length. In addition to searching for a pre-booked hotel location, look for the nearest hospital. This information can help you handle unexpected health situations quickly.

Consult a physician

If you have a medical history, consult your doctor about your medical condition before starting a trip. In addition, you can also refer to emergency methods, how to prevent and how to overcome emergencies.

Do not bring much luggage

Bulky luggage will cause a lot of inconvenience and quickly make you exhausted, especially when moving in the airport, train station or up and down stairs. You should only bring things you really need for the journey. In addition, you can ask for the help of your next person when it is really necessary.

Priority for online payment

Bringing a lot of cash to strange places will not be beneficial to visitors, especially women. So you can use the bank card or phone app to pay.

Do not forget to bring the dictionary

The native language sometimes makes it difficult to travel. So don’t forget to bring basic communication dictionary or translation apps to comfortably explore the local cuisine, culture and landscapes.

Prepare a plan to protect yourself

You should choose to buy reputable travel insurance before starting the trip. This insurance may cover travel conditions incurred when traveling. However, make sure to choose reputable service providers.

Always accompany relatives

Please travel with relatives or friends to get support when needed. If you don’t have a relative, always be ready to ask for help from others, anywhere in an emergency.

The detailed trip planning and specific situation planning will make your trip more convenient and enjoyable.

If you are planning to visit Vietnam, please see some exciting Sapa Vietnam tours such as Sapa trekking tourSapa package tourand Sapa motorbike tours or Sapa tours

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