tatkuink's Blog

The spread of tattoo art is creeping and developing in countries around the world. For tattoo images on the body, some people will associate with the expression of power and violence, but there are tattoos that show a unique, delicate, artistic expression.
The spread of tattoo art is creeping and developing in countries around the world. For tattoo images on the body, some people will associate with the expression of power and violence, but there are tattoos that show a unique, delicate, artistic expression. Let's explore with GenK interesting things tattoo clothing from the history and development of this tattoo art.

The origin of the tattoo

The birth of the current tattoo is still a big question mark that has not been answered? However, some scientists have found tattoo marks from the skin of some frozen mummies dating back to around 3300 BC. In addition, in Egypt and Nubian (small kingdom located along the Nil River, in northern Sudan and southern Egypt), there are also tattoos on mummies dating back to 2000 BC. Historians suggest that the birth of the tattoo may have come from the Greeks, Old English and Old Germans, etc.
Not only that, the birth of tattooing was discovered again from Europe and Native Americans. In the records of explorer James Cook from the 1769 expedition to the South Pacific, there is mention of the appearance of the Tahitian tattau tattoo language, meaning "to mark". However, in the period of European and American society at that time, tattooing was not yet developed and was considered a strange phenomenon.
In 1992, on the border between Austria and Italy, a frozen body of a man dating back 5,000 years was found, with 58 tattoos on his body, the motifs are small dots, and some lines only.
After the second world war, during excavations in the Altai Mountains of Southern Siberia, archaeologists discovered frozen tombs preserved by extremely special and perfect methods. More specifically, on the body of a leader in this tribe, there are many clear tattoos.

The development of tattoo art


In the early 20th century, tattoos appeared very rarely. In the early 1900s, tattooing was not taken seriously, it was a symbol of the lower class and it was difficult to find someone with a tattoo. There is no association for tattooists and tattooing is not publicized or advertised in public media.
In 1908, in New York City, an entertainment center custom baseball jersey attracting all working classes, Samuel O'Riely opened a tattoo shop and took on apprentice Charlie Wagner. In 1908 O'Riely died, Wagner launched the Alberts Lew brand. Alberts was trained as a designer possessing the skills necessary to become a tattoo artist.

In the middle of 1900

the development of tattooing was also not very positive and tended to go down. For the most part, tattoos are seen as an unhealthy symbol, the image of gangs of thieves or murderers. This is a marker for the decline of tattooing.


In 1936, the life magazine Life Magazine reported that only about 6% of people had tattoos, but most of them were artists performing in circuses, or in bizarre festivals held. In each show like this, they earned about $200 (equivalent to $2,000 today).


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Họ tên: Tatkuink Clothing
Sinh nhật: : 18 Tháng 5 - 1995
Nơi ở: Hà Nội
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