ck's Blog

Các bài viết vào Tuesday 6th April 2010

   Trong: Learn English
Topic: What means of traveling you choose for your trip?
-When you are on holiday and intend to go to the seaside or travel abroad as a tourist, you should thinks about all your decide on the means of traveling.
You can travel by train, by ship, by car and of course, by plane.
-Traveling by plane is more comfortable, more convenient and much quicker than any other method. But not everybody likes it. Some people say they do not see very much of the country they go to. Trains are good enough for them. They enjoy the movement and the excitement of railway stations, the shouts of porters pulling and pushing luggage along the platforms and the sight of trains ready to start.
-Some holiday-makers are all for traveling by sea. Of course, one can watch the sun rise and set, which is an unforgettable sight. For people who get seasick, a sea voyage is out the question.
-If you go by car, you may spend part of your holiday moving from place to place. You can stop wherever you like.
Whatever means of traveling you choose, it is advisable to book accommodation in advance. You can book tickets yourself or do that through telephone.
English is considered to be the most common and important language of the world today. A great number of people understand and use English in every part of the world.
English is the most useful language. Being good at English, we can travel to any place or any country we like. We shall not find it hard to make others understand what we wish to say.
English also helps us to learn all kinds of subjects. Hundreds of books are written in English every day in all countries to teach people useful things. The English language has therefore helped to spread ideas and knowledge to all the corners of the world. There is no subject that cannot be learned in the English language.
As English is used so much everywhere in the world, it has helped to make countries of the world become friendlier with one another. The leaders of the world use English to understand one another. The English language has therefore spread better understanding and friendship among countries of the world.
Lastly, as a person who knows English easily get more knowledge from many parts of the world, he or she is respected by people. It is for all these reasons that I want to learn English.Essay topic: Why I want to learn English
The outline:
1. The beginning
2. How important it is
3. How much it is used – Why?
4. How it helps us
5. The end


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