gospeedcheck's Blog


The conversion rate, well, it’s simply the percentage (%) of visitors to a website who complete the targeted action (or the desired goal) out of the whole number of visitors. In fact, depending on what that targeted action (or desired goal) is, a “conversion”, well, could be almost anything such as submitting a form, engaging with your online chat, upgrading their service, signing up for a subscription, making a purchase, and more. 
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In fact, the types of conversion rates are also divided into different categories, including marketing channel conversion rate, campaign conversion rate, individual ad conversion rate, overall conversion rate, …

Of course, high conversion rates are what every web owner and digital marketer desire to achieve. That is because a good conversion rate shows that your visitors and users want what you are offering on your website, and they can get it easily.  

Now, let’s move on to the next part of this writing to learn about the connection between page load time and conversion rate.

The conversion rate is simply the percentage of visitors to a website who complete the targeted action out of the whole number of visitors

What is the connection between page load time and conversion rate?

According to research conducted by mPulse Mobile, pages loaded in 5.7 seconds or more had a 0.6 percent conversion rate. At 3.3 seconds, this number was 1.5 percent. And at 2.4 seconds, the conversion rate was 1.9 percent. 

Thanks to these numbers, we know that faster page speeds will lead to higher conversion rates. In other words, the more rapid a webpage loads, the more likely visitors are to perform the targeted action (the action that you want them to take on your site) on that page. 

Well, there’s an important fact that we want to share with you is that just a very small increase in the conversion rates of your website will result in significant impacts on the sales, revenue, profit, the efficacy of your online marketing and sales efforts, so on. Now, you already see the close connection between page load time and conversion rate, right? Due to that, it’s necessary to speed up your website speed for a better conversion rate, isn’t it? Check out the next part of this post to know how to speed up your website now.

By identifying what exactly makes your site load slowly, you will easily find out the ways to accelerate its speed

How to improve your page load time for a higher conversion rate?

To be honest, there is a wide range of causes for a slow website such as unoptimized images, using too many images with large file size, lack of a CDN, no caching techniques, poor quality hosting, unclean code, javascript issues, and many other more. 

By identifying what exactly makes your site load slowly, you will easily find out the ways to accelerate its speed. For example, if the main cause behind your slow website is unoptimized images that have too large file size, well, it’s best to perform image optimization techniques. In that way, your website speed will surely gain a boost. 

What is the connection between page load time and conversion rate?

If you are a digital marketer, the term “conversion rate” must be something so familiar to you, and of course, you also clearly know how important it is, right? Well, these days, in the digital era, it’s more and more common for businesses to run marketing, sales, and advertising campaigns using websites, in which the conversion rate is one of the major measurements to keep an eye on. But do you know that there is a close correlation between page load time and conversion rate? Keep reading on to know why and how much page time can affect the conversion rates. But first, it’s better to check out what the conversion rate really is, right?

If you are a digital marketer, the term “conversion rate” must be something so familiar to you, right?


As you can see, there’s a very close correlation between page load time and conversion rate, right? Because of that, speeding up your website is considered one of the most effective ways to boost up the conversion rates of your website. And that’s all for today’s article, hope that it brought you useful information.

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Sinh nhật: : 19 Tháng 5 - 1990
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